Pepper: Brand visual

• Date added

8 March 2023

Established in 2022, Pepper (“Pepper” being a portmanteau of “pet” and “preparation”) hopes to lead the new wave of freshly prepared meals for dogs by using science as the base in the recipe design process.

Taipei-based design consultancy Local Remote partnered up with Pepper to devise a vibrant, fun, and welcoming identity that opens the spirit to a different generation of pet owners.





Local Remote

Creative Director

Brian Liu

Senior Designer

Wei Yu

Tai Yuan Hu


Due to the rapid growth and demand for fresh pet food in Taiwan, Local Remote wanted to design the packaging in a way that is entirely different from what is trending in the market. Most of the fresh prep pet food is designed on a clean, white background with pastel colours and prioritises “fresh” as its primary focus.

Pepper: Packaging
Pepper: Brand visual

Since Pepper is targeting the Gen-Zs, they wanted this product to be part of their self-expression and reflect their pursuit of a vibrant lifestyle. This thinking is also portrayed through the energising use of colour; the vibrancy of which plays a significant role in the identity’s joyful design. Aside from the brand’s signature orange, Local Remote designed a two-colour scheme system for each flavour to help the owner identify at a glance, bringing a more user-friendly edge to the brand.

Pepper: Flavour label family
Pepper: Brand visual
Pepper: Flavour labels

“I think communication is a part of the project I enjoy. Peter, Pepper’s owner, gave us complete trust and let us unleash the brand’s full potential. We took on this challenge because he wanted to create something that existed outside the market. A custom English wordmark means a lot to the Taiwan market, as it is not common in the branding process here.”

Brian Liu

Creative Director, Local Remote

Visual Identity

The core of the identity is centred around a wordmark that presents modified ink traps shapes inspired by the form of tails. The expertise behind Pepper’s products and its playfulness is also established through the combination of Mass Driver’s MD Nichrome as the feature san serif typeface, and Colophon Foundry’s Apercu for the supporting body text, providing editorial sincerity and vibrant personality when applied. Pairing the wordmark with custom illustrations and a complementary colour palette, results in a logo that is distinct, playful, and bold enough to fit the brand’s ambitions.

Pepper: Social media graphics
Pepper: Photography
Pepper: Photography

“With the rising awareness of dogs' health and wellness, Pepper sets out to bring out their most thriving state with our complete and balanced fresh-cooked food. We started Pepper with the purpose of elevating the owner's feeding experience by providing meals that are customised and pre-portioned according to dogs' needs. Dogs are family. They unconditionally bring joy to our life, so we should show gratitude by giving them the best possible life.”

Peter Chi

Founder, Pepper

Pepper: Tote bag
Pepper: A-Stand signage

Local Remote created a series of illustrations for Pepper by picking the six most common dogs in Taiwan to make the packaging more diverse and approachable.

Pepper: Illustrations pattern

Brian, the Creative Director of Local Remote, enjoyed the communication aspect in this project. The owner of Pepper, Peter, gave Local Remote complete trust to fully unleash the potential of the brand. This was a challenge that Brian and his team took on as Peter wanted to create something that is unique in the market.

The illustration process was enjoyable for the team as they aimed to make the dogs geometric so they could be paired as a pattern, while the custom English wordmark holds a significant meaning in Taiwan’s market, as it is not a common feature in the branding process in the region.

Pepper: Illustration sketches
Pepper: Illustration sketches

Local Remote

Local Remote is a design consultancy based in Taipei City, Taiwan. The focus of its work is to create the future of brand experiences. They help brands convey core values by creating innovative, immersive, experiential, and multi-sensory storytelling across virtual and physical platforms to engage key audiences. Local Remote believes that design has the power to connect and inspire.

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