Archisearch tPE (the Paper Edition) Issue 2: Cover

• Date added

31 January 2023

Archisearch is a platform that showcases and explores a range of architectural projects from around the globe, covering various aspects of the discipline.

Thessaloniki-based design studio Post-Spectacular Office developed Archisearch tPE (the Paper Edition), the printed version of their website


The Design Ambassador



Post–Spectacular Office

Art Director

Post–Spectacular Office


Post–Spectacular Office

The Design Ambassador

Title Owner

Vassilios Bartzokas


The concept of this project draws elements from the world of architecture and design in an attempt to convey them through the experience of reading and browsing a leaflet. The large format and the rice paper cover are a direct reference to the experience of the architect and designer over the drawing board, while typography takes the role of the blueprint aiming to achieve a sense of archival recording.

Archisearch tPE (the Paper Edition) Issue 2: Cover slip

“The concept of this project draws elements from the world of architecture and design in an attempt to convey them through the experience of reading and browsing a leaflet.”

Archisearch tPE (the Paper Edition) Issue 2: Overview
Archisearch tPE (the Paper Edition) Issue 2: Book
Archisearch tPE (the Paper Edition) Issue 2: Cover slip
Archisearch tPE (the Paper Edition) Issue 2: Front cover
Archisearch tPE (the Paper Edition) Issue 2: Back cover

Post–Spectacular Office

Post-Spectacular Office is a design studio that fuses extensive experience from the fields of architecture, exhibition design, graphic design and academia. Adopting a trans-disciplinary approach for their projects, they specialise in using a variety of mediums to construct spatial and visual narratives with the aim of creating unique forms.

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